Sunday, 18 January 2009


I have not blogged for a while. I have been busy tidying and picking up endless piles of leaves.
I got Maggie Grey's book" Textile Translations" for Christmas so have been trying out the making the basic fabric exercise out. I did not have all the correct ingredients so had to improvise a bit. I have not done any stitching on them as yet, I need to work my way up to that. I am frightened of spoiling them.


Genie said...

lovely work so far Carol

Uniquely Yours Creations said...

They are wonderful Carol!
How did you do that and
what did you use?
I've been doing something
similar this past week with
texture on paper, using tissue
paper and Aluminum foils.
I love your colors!

Alis Clair said...

Oooohh, those textures are so lush!

I have that book on my wish list, looks like it should come off the list and in to my house. What do you think ;0)

Elizabeth said...

these samples are beautiful!! The detail and colr is amazing!! Do you like the new book?? I will ahve to check it out and possibly add it to my ENDLESS wish list!!