Monday, 15 August 2011

Festival of Quilts

The quilt group I belong to, Upcott Valley Quilters got a Highly Commended for our group quilt!
My bit is on the far right and is wine bottles. It is double sided but was hung so that only one side could be seen. The blue fabric was hand dyed. Originally it was a quilting project, going back to its roots of using household objects as templates. I think the applique took over a bit on most of them. Mine is all hand quilted and the applique is minimal.

Dolton Horticultural Show

Yesterday I entered the Dolton Horticultural Show for the first time and got first for a dressed doll, a piece of patchwork, sweet peas and pansies. I was very pleased.

Monday, 11 July 2011


  1. Return to the Wild

Large wheels turning
Engines pumping
Ponies pulling
Stones crushing
Tall chimneys pointing
Like fingers
Into the dark, dirty skies

Birds now singing
Bees are buzzing
Rabbits grazing
Buds are shooting

As earth reclaims the wilderness
Which is truly hers once more

This is the piece I made for the Quilters Guild A.G.M. Wild West Challenge.
It was a photograph I took of a derelict tin mine, which I covered with black chiffon and stitched.
I wrote the poem to describe how it made me feel being there.

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Thursday, 7 July 2011


This is another regular visitor at this time of year
I love the way it always eats upside down.
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Colourful Visitor

I have been trying to get a picture of this visiting woodpecker for ages. It visits most days but is very nervous.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Next concert

I have just designed this poster for our next concert which is a fund raiser for the band. It should be a good night.