Monday, 10 September 2007


I am moving on Wednesday so may be missing for a while. We have to get the phone connected and get back on broadband. While all this house moving is going on I am also taking part in the open studio exhibitions which are running throughout the whole of Devon in September. I took some pictures but most of them were blurred. I was very greatful to Val for helping me set up and I am very impressed with the work she created as a result of her visit. Unfortunatley I have had problems again when trying to comment but I expect you will read this. so once again a big thankyou and hope you had a good day on Saturday. The turn out for the exhibition was very poor perhaps it will pick up next weekend.
The move is only a short tem one but the house is very quiet and rural the only passers by will be cows. I can't wait and you must come for a cup of tea Val.
I will sign of now and I hope to be more productive textile wise when i get settled.